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Live your dreams

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Need a better view?

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Love to travel?

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Need a new car?

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Need a vacation?

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Retire in style

Basic Package

Gold Package

Platinum Package

The 4th Phase

Gold Package Overview

For those members who want to take their income to the next level, let me introduce to you our Gold Package. The key to the Gold Package is that the same team stays in place. So the same team you’ve built in the Basic Package, you don’t have to go and build another team for Gold, that same team stays in place and when they upgrade, the cost is only $15 more a month plus a $10 annual processing fee.

Overwiew Chart of Freeways Matrix on Gold The income from the Gold Package, once again, your team stays in place, the same 5x5 matrix, but instead of earning $1 commission on level 1, you’re now going to earn $4 for each gold member on level 1 which means you’re going to earn a total of $20 for level 1.

For level 2, instead of earning $0.25, now you’re going to add a $1 to that making it a total of $1.25 for each Gold Member on level 2.For level 3, instead of earning $0.75, add a $1 to that, and that totals a $1.75 for each Gold Member on level 3. That’s a total of $270 a month on level 3, which is very doable. Level 4 – instead of earning $1.00 commission from the Basic Package, add $3.00 more to that and now you’re earning $4 per member on level 4. That is a total of $2,770.00 per month, and we’re not done yet!

Level 5 – 3,125 members which you will be earning $5 per Gold Member on this level, that’s a total of $18,395 per month which adds up to over $200,000 a year.

These charts are for illustrative purposes only. The total earnings listed are the actual income potential per member and is based solely on your own efforts.