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Live your dreams

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Need a better view?

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Love to travel?

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Need a new car?

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Need a vacation?

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Retire in style


I knew there was value in the Sports Travel Savings Clubhouse but I really didn't know how much until I got in and got serious about finding the savings.

I went in to The Sports Travel Savings Clubhouse last week before I went to the grocery store and printed the coupons for all of the things I always buy anyway. My grocery bill total was $126.22. After all of the coupons were deducted I paid $59.40.
I saved $66.73

I was amazed and so were all of the people waiting in line while they deducted all of those coupons. Of course they all wanted to know how I did that, so I told them about the Sports Travel Savings Clubhouse.

Vivian F.

In 2009, my husband and I, and my sister in law inherited a 3800 square ft home when my father-in-law passed away. We were getting estimates to fully carpet and pad the house before we leased it. We had estimates on a carpet and padding not as nice as the one we purchased in the Sports Travel Savings Clubhouse ranging from $8,500 to $10,000! We purchased the carpet and padding from a company in the Clubhouse and it was DIRECT shipped from Dalton, Georgia to California and saved about $4,000.00! What a savings! Thank you so much for all of your help, now we have leased our house and everyone loves the carpet.


I Lost my Health Insurance in July and found a coupon that said up to 75% off of Prescription Medications. I saved $35 dollars on my first prescription, and saved a total of $188 on my medications in July. On the 1st of September I saved over $117 on one prescription, that was huge. We continue to save money using the Clubhouse on items we use everyday and want to Thank You for making this venue available.

Sheila M.

I've been very blessed by God and life has never really been that tough for me, except for a portion of my first decade, when we lived in slumlord conditions in Boston. Then it was middle class all the way, until retirement and the great early 21st century financial collapse we are all the victims of. Since 2007, money has been as scarce for me as for most in the world, and always way shorter than my month! Freeway to the rescue! Now, since working in and out of the networking industry for 48 years, I've joined the best and simplest, most lucrative worldwide membership program ever created for the average person, and I'm honored to be upline and downline to one of Freeway's greatest teams.

Thanks to Doc Lett and so many others for your leadership! Freeway will save the financial lives of millions in the hundreds of countries we will serve, 172 at present! I feel blessed and highly favored to be a part of this great worldwide adventure.

Dana C.

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